Thursday 1 May 2014

Music - Part 210 - Becky Becky

Becky Becky – Good Morning, Midnight (Feint Records)
1 May 2014

Electro synth duo, Becky Becky release their debut album. 

Inspired by the Jean Rhys book of the same name, Good Morning Midnight is an intriguing beast.  Loosely based on the novels themes of a woman’s depression, vulnerability and desperation during World Wars 1 and 2, it ironically stays upbeat from start to finish.

Ex-lovers and ex-cohabitees Gemma L Williams (Woodpecker Wooliams) and Peter J D Mason (Fence Collective) began recording in 2011 before splitting both professionally and personally as they were proposing work on an album stimulated by the work of Rhys.  The lure of the project brought them back to the studio and the album which is potentially their first and last recording.

It’s an interesting sound to say the least.  Williams sounding like a cross between Martha Wainwright and Edith Piaf backed by the disco sound of the 70s and the electronic tunes of the early 80s makes for a unique experience and results in an album sounding both dated and modern.

Oddly, the albums highs and lows centre around Gemma’s voice.  Whilst unusual and intriguing, it does sometimes appear indecipherable and whilst the feel of the tracks aren’t affected, the subject matters of are sometimes lost.  Hidden behind the hints of The Human League and Visage are tales of child death, rape and suicide which are brave topics indeed and give a lovely conflict between feel and substance.

House Of The Black Madonna is representative of the ten tracks with steaming bassline and infectious chorus which could have come straight from the New Romantic era.

Words often clumsily ‘fit’ the music but add to the mystique and with song titles like Tigers Are Better-Looking you can’t help but be impressed.  Closing with the impressively haunting Sophia with its words that slide and stretch, Becky Becky have created an alternative pop album with high credentials boasting a friction between two uncompromising individuals which leaves a satisfying if not puzzling wake.



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